Wake Up 02 Suppressed Hidden Info Truth

18 videos • 14 views • by Ole Skåra c0llecti0n of d0cumentari3s/vide0s/cl|ps c0ntainiNg suppre$$ed (by design) inf0rmati0n / hi$t0ry / sci3nce / c3nc0ur3d evid3nce eXp0siNg oUr f@lse (by design) reality from the beginning of time to now. By various independent AlterNa7ive Med|a channels & groups researching day & night on their own time, with barely enuff support tp keep it afloat, even when their ch@nnels gets rem0ved, their contents robbed of views and so on, demonit|zed videos, but they keep going, and they include links, etc in these videos (so viewers can do their own research) backed up by evidence, documents, seminars hold by the c0rps/el|te in m3dia, nothing of this is not and will never be presented in m@instr3m n3ws/m3dia. eNj0y. and do not forget to subsrcibe to these peoples channels and support them on patreon, paypal. And visit those of em who have their own websites.. These Playlists, and contents, are choosen out of 100's of so called tru7hseek3rs these r those ive found reliable. Remember, if you watch things like this, and it gives you fear/anxiety to the brink of paranoia and psychoses, simply stay away from videos like that, confusion leads to more of those fear pr0paganda channels. on my channel ive made many sections of these channels. Its the least i can do to do share their content.. respect to you all for your hard work. iNzaNe '2017