★ Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

31 videos • 107,265 views • by Lancun Metroid Prime. A game whose freedom of exploration is rivaled only by Super Metroid and Zero Mission. One that, before release, many people thought would suck and would be another installment into the growing pile of first-person shooters with no identity of its own. Or so we thought. And from that came a sequel: Echoes. An arguably harder game that required a more methodical approach with the limited beam ammo and the hazardous Dark Aether. Especially if you went Dark Suit-less like me. And once the series made the jump to the Wii with its third installment, Corruption, the series found controls that were borderline perfect. Lock-on free aiming that was surprisingly precise, a bit more emphasis on combat, it seemed like this was the game that was destined to be the most enjoyable entry into the series for me... Then came the Trilogy. The single-greatest value that the Wii had to offer, and one of the greatest collections the gaming world had ever seen. Not only did you have all three games on one content-packed disc, not only were they given a slight graphical upscaling, but Prime and Echoes got the sweetest end of the deal: all of the motion aiming with none of the gimmicks that slightly plagued Corruption.