My Guitar Set-ups; Staying in tune despite whammy bar abuse!
5 videos • 195 views • by Songs of Hope at 432Hz I used to say that if you looked at a Fender Strat (with a whammy bar) wrong, it would go out of tune but I have learned through experience over the last 40 years how to tweak and coax them into staying in tune...even when using the whammy bar. Seriously. I have hundreds of videos here and pretty much each guitar saw my bench beforehand (which usually means a thorough clean up, new strings, and a set-up...if I want a Standard Fender Strat to stay in tune, it is much more tweaking). I only included one video (a Jackson with a Floyd Rose) where the guitars had any kind of locking nut or bridge here (and only because it was a very fun minute of all out whammy bar noise/abuse) but the majority are just Standard Mexican Strats...a few have locking machine heads and one or two had graphite nuts but most are just set-up as close to perfectly as I think can be done and strung up/stretched out/tuned up correctly (it all matters)! Watch a few of the videos and you see that I CAN keep these non locking whammy bar guitars in tune...even when being abusive with the bar! I am thinking of offering set-ups in the Portland, Oregon area...possibly to more people if they don't mind shipping...we can talk...thanks for watching!