CosmicD's "social homeopathy" playlist
2095 videos • 248 views • by CosmicD My research into why social justice and intersectionality has perverted integration of young people in education, who come out with phd's and masters being paranoid as hell. Jabbering about white privilege, how white men are evil and how the west is oppressive to women, while looking away from real oppression in the world. This playlist will teach you the way academia, and social justice courses pervert people's mind into upside down land in terms of how we should progress from a monotheistic authoritarian dogmatic culture, to a progressive secular state with universal (not collective dogmatic), but individual values and freedom to all, not hindered by religious dogmas and magic thinking which should have been left in 7th century Middle East. Please watch all comentaries and critics, and you'll be redpilled. you'll finally know why some leftist feminists act so perverted and would rather excuse foreign born taharrush games, than to let a white man look at em on the street. Why every freedom we have is being methodically decomposed in order to prevent a narrative that we are all guilty of colonizing the world and therefor the progress that we have for citizens is poisonous. In the mind of intersectional thinkers, who cultivate their worldview via books like Invention of the white race, or white innosence, or bell hook's religious view on why society in the west is dominated by "whiteness", men are constantly oppressing women, and white females are oppressive to black females... So they start thinking stuff like "a homeless white male is still more privileged than a rich black guy". This absurd worldview has to stop. And as a visually impaired man, I can't see how universities offer a sophysticated victim mentality that must be imposed on all women, and all black people etc. It's downright ridiculous!. I want to make a statement with this playlist that as a guy who has their eyesight impaired from birth, we grew up with mentors and teachers telling us that our handicap is not our primary identitarian trait. We're just not good at seeing stuff but we shouldn't create an entire victimology complex around it. Now, i am fucking furious to know that they teach this very victim narrative to people because they are black, or woman. I won't stand for it and I won't have it! All people are alike and intersectional feminists are working towards a mental break. They push mental blockades on the road of people trying to find equality and colorblindness, because in their worldview, white men have all the power. And if they can find moral good in shaming them, they can politically gain power for those who they all depict as victim, and shame a society into adopting regressive cultures. This is how far it goes. Not only do they see blacks as a mean to gain power themself, they insult every black person who doesn't want to belong to that victim narrative. Watch this list and get schooled into the wonderful upside down world that is current social justice/intersectional feminism.