Let It Rain
3 videos • 38 views • by jellybeanseverywhere Woke up with my mind SCREAMING RAIN DOWN Haha, I popped on the three songs that were buzzing the words rain. I am prompted, by Him, to invite you ladies to have these three songs play in the background till you can hum along with the melody, when you are ready take time out of your day and sit with these songs that beg for His love, His revival, His renewal!! HAHAHA!! I can see the cloud ladies, step in DANCE in HIS delight for you!! Step away from the fear, from the guilt, from the buts because those are gone! (Mom's bribery is okay for this time with Him, to get your 30 minutes alone, do what it takes, DQ, T.V....whatever works) Fear, fear, fear, fear, dashing away Overcome. You've made me open. Open to You You whisper soak in My love. Soak in the moment. That I would call out Your name and sing along with the Heavens! Hear the harmony of it all This is what You ask. That we would worship. Inundated by You. Focused on You. That the world would melt. You do not waste our time here for I DELIGHT. The mess can wait, dinner, all of it, put it aside for Me. Come spend time with Me. Find where you belong in Me. The rest will fall where it should!!