Video Game Music & Screenshots
163 videos • 206 views • by Mathieu Pronovost For over 10 years, I was really into taking screenshots while playing video games. I think screenshots are a good way to immortalize gaming memories and bring something different from recording videos. When watching screenshots, you can pay more attention to little details that could easily be unnoticed in videos. Also, I think that a good screenshot can really capture the soul of a game. To preserve my gaming memories, I decided to curate my hundred of thousands of screenshots into slideshows and share them with the world on this YouTube channel. All the screenshots have been upscaled to 4K using nearest-neighbor interpolation. For the games that were originally played on CRTs, I stretched them to a 4:3 aspect ratio for a more authentic look. However, now I kinda regret this decision because I think that square pixels are generally visually more appealing. The systems covered are: Arcade, DS, GB, GBC, GBA, NES, SNES, SMS, PC, PS1, and PS2.