#SistahsListenToThis with Drew Israel & Patricia McBroom

32 videos • 105 views • by AZZA K FINGERS Titus 2:1-5 (KJV) "But SPEAK thou the THINGS which become SOUND DOCTRINE: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. The AGED WOMEN likewise, that they be in BEHAVIOR as becometh HOLINESS, not FALSE ACCUSERS, not given to much WINE, TEACHERS of GOOD THINGS; That THEY may TEACH the YOUNG WOMEN to be SOBER, to LOVE THEIR HUSBAND'S, to LOVE their CHILDREN, To be DISCREET, CHASTE, keepers at HOME, GOOD, OBEDIENT to their OWN HUSBAND'S, that the WORD OF GOD be not BLASPHEMED."