Second Level of Learning by Wes Penre.

100 videos • 3,003 views • by ANKARAMAN ENKI had created a Fire that did not only come from the Universe around him, but was created directly from the 'womb' of the KHAA, the Mother Goddess. Thus, this Fire had Divine Origins. By separating this Fire and mixing the molecules together in a way only a very skilled Kadištu could do, ENKI created mind and personality, and all this could be embedded into this new, sexual version of humankind. This Fire had the same origin as that of the Namlú'u, whose genes he also used to create the vessels for this powerful Fire. Each Fire, stemming from its own 'Oversoul of fire', was then split into many, many fragment; each one as big and powerful as the other. It was like having a lit torch, and then using it to light up another torch. Once the fire takes on, it's still as powerful as the fire of the first torch. Because of the manner in which ENLIL and his Sirian team had locked the planet into 3-D and linear time, ENKI spread these Fire fragments out over the vistas of time, so each Fire could have more than one experience. ENKI knew that each vessel would die in a certain amount of years and the Fire would leave the body and be recycled, but by also being fragmented over a long time period, the Oversoul, the 'real you', would have a greater experience, was ENKI's thoughts. This was ENKI's EXPERIMENT, which I want to call Project Elohim.