Sunareht "Sagas" EP
4 videos • 350 views • by Paradoxe Club Out now : As the Wu-Tang would say, "The Saga Continues" with 4 more tracks from the meticulous sample-chopper Sylvain Dessagne a.k.a Sunareht. And there is a parallel to be made between RZA's unconventional way of treating rap beats and Dessagnes' approach to reconstruction of filtered house tropes into a completely different, often non-drum-focused, musical object. On the Sagas EP Sunareht continues to explore his unique technique of staccato-like chops discovered on his previous work Hyul (2017), this time injecting a healthy dose of melody and poignancy to the instantly-recognizable formula, bringing even more euphoria through a series of roof-less build ups intended to have no payoff, leaving the listener suspended in the air, in a bizarrely addictive state of unresolved anticipation. The EP alternates between suggestions of pure joy (Mir, Saga), grittiness (Bât. C) and innocence (Super Suna Odyssey). Welcome back to the weightless sample-house world of Sunareht. All tracks written and produced by @Sunareht Mastered by Jeremy Cox Artwork by Manuel Moreno Cortes & Octave Abaji Words by Teki Latex PRDX005 - Paradoxe Club