Le Dom "Caesura" EP

5 videos • 53 views • by Paradoxe Club Out now : https://links.paradoxeclub.fr/caesura-ep Parisian label Paradoxe Club maintains its streak of high-quality releases with Le Dom’s new EP Caesura. Once again, the French top class producer delivers his gritty leftfield club music, well-crafted yet balanced piece of work with an upfront, genuine energy. As its title suggests, Caesura EP really is dialectical, using mechanical groovy, edgy machine-driven-like sounds, while remaining playful and sometimes truly euphoric. Forme opens the EP with Le Dom’s high-caliber sound-design, a melancholic algorithm galvanised score, where an invisible, uncanny technology ushers a roar of machinery. Loot is more colourful, alternating additive synthesis' hefty bass and machine’s rattles wilfully trying to communicate. On Water Coaster, foaming soap bubbles explode on hot iron, accompanied by mischievous textures coming out of retro space combat games. Caesura lies in a thick haze slashed with abrasive material, leaving you breathless. An occult spell-like pad steadily releases the pressure only to grasp you again, harder. A mindful “twisted”, self-assured, startling club music production. All tracks written and produced by Le Dom Mastered by Joel Krozer Artwork by Manuel Moreno Cortes & Octave Abaji Words by Clément Camenen PRDX011 © ℗ 2022 Paradoxe Club www.paradoxeclub.fr