21 Studies for Ukulele

22 videos • 4,868 views • by SamMuir Ukulele The 21 Studies for Ukulele are for easy to intermediate standard players. While the pieces cover a variety of technical challenges, my overall aim was to create a set of studies that are also musical and fun to play. The range of techniques explored include arpeggios, campanella style, playing 2 and 3 notes together, shifting left hand patterns, slurs and ornaments. Many ukulele players don’t venture out of first position and these pieces are designed to help players develop confidence in moving up and down the fingerboard. Right and left hand fingerings are included and there are study notes on each piece to aid self learn- ing. Detailed dynamic markings are included to encourage players to broaden their appreciation of musical terminology and improve their musicianship. It is my hope that these studies will enable students to improve their knowledge of the fingerboard while expanding their musicianship.