Warriors Villain Medley | Angel Hawk/Pumpkin Claws | [READ ENTIRE DESC]
24 videos • 201 views • by Warrior Cats Archives [Parts by problematic creators ARE archived at the end of the playlist so please, be mindful of such. In no way is this intended to promote their content, it’s just for preservation’s sake. Please read up on them and what they did if you choose to.] ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: This MAP is being re-hosted by Shida (ThatScruffyDuckling) so go sub to them to make sure you can see it when it's finished!!: https://www.youtube.com/user/Shadowth… Playlist of WIPs and finished parts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list…. [ARCHIVED LINK: https://web.archive.org/web/201903261...] Song used: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBYGm… RULES and INFORMATION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M… PARTS ★★1. Radtastic ★★2. Sagutoyas ★3. Mikahnical ★★4. StarryAria ★5. Chikki ★★6. Ocellifera ★★7. Kyrisuz ★★8. TheFieryFenec [ARCHIVED LINK https://web.archive.org/web/201808092...] ★★9. Ocellifera ★★10. SableNixx ★11. Aviator Zoroark ★★12. LuneLapin ★★13. Etourvol 14. Raevei ★★15. ThatScruffyDuckling ★★16. PeppermintPretzels ★★17. Alpha Dogg 777 ★★18. illbringyoudown ★★19. Draikinator 20. teapup ★★21. Monigu ★★22. crispyCh0colate 23. Cavioli ★24. Kitsune Kreations 25. CrystalColors ★★26. CrispyCh0colate ★★27. WanderingArcher ★28. Aviator Zoroark 29. Charminq ★★30. Centauri ★★31. Vega 32. Mimikou ★33. OkamiWolven ★= WIP SEEN ★★= DONE BACKUPS: -Pumpkin Claws -Okami Wolven -Tybaxel -Mimikou -Cranbuury -Gingerwish -ShadowedKing -SaraXu -BrightBlue -Flash Fire