DJ101 | Django Database ORM Mastery Course

51 videos • 127,167 views • by Very Academy This course is designed to be an introduction to the Django Framework ORM (Object–relational mapping) through applied learning. In this course you’ll learn about the features of the Django ORM. By better understanding features of the Django ORM, you will learn how to interact with databases from within a Django project, like you would with SQL. You will learn how to administrate tables and perform common Create, Return, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations through the Django ORM. This course is designed to be an introduction to the Django Framework ORM (Object–relational mapping) through applied learning. I have collated and structured a course which I believe to be introductory Django ORM topics. You can see from the course structure that we refer to these introductory topics as level 1. There are 3 planned levels on the topic of the Django ORM, so much more to come. Django 4.x ORM Mastery series level 1. The first section of the course accommodates those who are completely new to the subject matter, you’ll learn how to prepare the working environment ready to follow along with tutorials and scaffold underpinning knowledge related to Object–relational mapping. Next, you’ll discover how to build database tables by creating Django models and propagating changes to the database through migrations. Finally, you’ll learn how to interact with the Django QuerySet API to create return update and delete data in the database. In addition to this core learning, we have embedded into the course an optional introduction to SQL. SQL is the language used to communicate with the database to perform changes. We get under the hood and learn how to create SQL to perform database operations manually.