Galatians: Faith Not Works

7 videos • 195 views • by Grace Roots Paul's letter to the Galatians is a letter of contrasts, mainly contrasting flesh and Spirit. Paul calls them "foolish" for beginning their life in Christ "in the Spirit" (by grace, through faith - apart from works) but then turning "so quickly" to believe the lie that had been presented to them, that they would need to add works of the law in order to be "made perfect by the flesh." For this series we'll remain mainly in Galatians, where Paul shares an in-depth look at what life was like for him and Israel under the law, and explains to the Galatians how and why they never want to add a single item from the law to their lives in Christ, and how justification is never a result of a mixture of faith and works. Listen in as we discuss the good news of justification and salvation by faith apart from works and law.