
103 videos • 4,512 views • by Dr. Jenny Li 新加坡 我相信每一个人都有自己精彩的故事,如果你是一个在新加坡得华人,不管是学习,工作,搬砖,陪读,移民. 如果你想要借着我们的平台分享你自己的精彩故事. 请与 Dr. Jenny Li 联系 : drjenny@sgpainsolutions.com Everyone has a story inside them, share your story with the world. Be heard. You are amazing, so is your story. 探索充满活力的新加坡城邦,展示这个多元文化目的地的精华。从令人惊叹的建筑和美味的街头美食,到郁郁葱葱的绿色公园和世界一流的购物场所,我们将带您穿越这座城市的众多街区和隐藏的瑰宝。我们还分享了我们在新加坡生活的个人经历和见解,包括从寻找住所到驾驭城市交通系统等方方面面的技巧和建议。无论您是计划访问的旅行者,还是只是想体验一种新文化, 所以现在就订阅,加入我们的冒险吧! Welcome to our YouTube channel! Join us as we explore the vibrant city-state of Singapore, showcasing the best of what this multicultural destination has to offer. From stunning architecture and delicious street food to lush green parks and world-class shopping, we'll take you on a journey through the city's many neighborhoods and hidden gems. ======================== 👉🏻Like my Facebook Page FB: https://www.facebook.com/drjennyli/ 👉🏻Follow my Instagram: https://instagram.com/drjennyli?igshi... 👉🏻Visit my website: https://www.sgpainsolutions.com https://drjennyli.com 👉🏻Any business related/ collaboration/商務合作 drjenny@sgpainsolutions.com ======================== Equipments I use: Iphone Pro max 14 https://amzn.to/3jPoZbT DJI pocket 2 https://amzn.to/3X8v2Xp Wireless microphone https://amzn.to/3IsQq5v Like the music? You can get it from this link https://share.epidemicsound.com/1scpnf