Yu-gi-oh! The Legacy of The Duelist: Link Evolution. Original Duel Monsters Series Campaign
17 videos ā¢ 15 views ā¢ by DaniĆ«l Fuhres Hello everyone. I know it has been many years since my last uploads, but quite recently I found out that Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist. Had a re-release & upgrade in the game: Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution. And because I stopped uploading and playing the original, I felt it was right for me to start this game and do what I did not in the past: Complete this Yu-Gi-Oh! game and post a video of it every single day and give you all what I did not back than. ^^ I am sorry that it is still with no commentary though, but even though I am well in my adult years now, I am not confident in my presentational & theatrical skills to make listening to my voice be entertaining. So I hope you will all forgive me for that. Anyway: This playlist is of the Original Duel Monsters Series of Yu-Gi-Oh! And I hope you will all enjoy. šš« #Yu-Gi-Oh!LegacyofTheDuelistLinkEvolution #Yu-Gi-Oh! #Legacy #Duelist #Link #Evolution #Yugi #Muuto #Yami #Seto #Kaiba #Weevil #Underwood #Joey #Wheeler #Mai #Valentine #Rex #Raptor #Bakura #PaniK #Bonz #Tea #Gardner #Maximillion #Pegasus #Bandit #Keith #Seeker #Arkana #Hanugumo