🧘♂️IshaY🧿ga🌱4 Blissfull Living🌼ravi7 London
2036 videos • 373 views • by Ravi Bedia Why unpleasant is occuring within u is because ur own mind /emotions thought process is NOT taking ur instructions from U that Ur minds/emotions creating all forms of unpleasant emotions within yourself u that it is generating misery.🌻❣️If your mind & emotions & body were taking instructions from you how would you keep them? You'd keep them absolutely ecstatic every moment of life all of the time isn't it? So If you want your mind & emotions & your entire human system to all the time be happy ecstatic blissful by themselves & be blissful by your own nature & happen your way & to take instructions from you & not be doing their own thing & not be constantly creating unpleasant & inner battles within you you need to tend to your interiority and engineer your mind and the body's interiority and chemistry of the body in such a way so that what happens within you is 100% in your control and the way you want it to be and all by choice and always is completely always happening consciously.💃🌞Kindly Please see ISHA INNER ENGINEERING🐝(an INNER technology 4 peak ultimate inner wellbeing a tool/method) for one a human you to create the maximum level of joy bliss within yourself by your very own self very own nature without any external inputs.wellbeingજempowerment and to create a chemistry of bliss & happiness & peace within one yourself the system for the human being' yourself the body & experience creator SOURCE manufacturer within you or source creator of this body. If you keep the body still, the mind will slowly start collapsing and the mind knows that it will become enslaved if it allows this. The main aspect of meditation is, right now your mind is the boss and you are the slave. As you meditate and become more meditative, you will become the boss and your mind will become the slave and that is how it should always be. If you don’t know how to keep the mind as a slave, it will put you through all kinds of endless suffering. If you allow the mind to rule, it is a terrible master. But as a slave, the mind is wonderful – it is a miraculous slave. Please see https://youtu.be/mWm-CztZqsg ⌚🌷How to live happily using yoga🌷⌚ https://youtu.be/u2MWeaCFNhk https://youtu.be/ChTnwpkCMhg 🌹🌱What is Inner Engineering yoga pt1- https://youtu.be/f2lHrSAklQ0 💕🌞💕Health- A Partnership with the SOURCE of Creation https://youtu.be/yMMUpzsK4Ec 🌷💕How to find happiness🌹 https://youtu.be/VmbIFdVKMvk 🌜What is Inner Engineering pt2- https://youtu.be/ooFAmT4n89Y 🍯All of the health benefits of Yoga https://youtu.be/-2IcOOUqNgI 🚀What is the best way 2 stay healthy https://youtu.be/bJggjXvB52c ⌚🌹Define Inner Beauty & mechanics of ones/ur Emotions & Mind & Joy & Love & emotions🌹⌚ https://youtu.be/2DW9Sq41ffY 😄Making joy not anger into our default state as a normal way of living & being🍯https://youtu.be/3_fH-bNB5NE 🌞Selfishness & L💓ving oneself & making putting ur peace ur love ur joy on SELF-START self service so that ur joyful by ur v.own nature & there on & blissful 24hrs by there own nature themselves🌞 https://youtu.be/l9FXcGcndrE 💖💕Attachment vs Love💕💓 https://youtu.be/FmbwXpqlCII ⌚🌷Caught up in time🌷⌚🌹 https://youtu.be/3ku2kSoeEZo 🌜Sadhguru on Healthcare & wellbeing & success &failure🌱 https://youtu.be/miH8zrAPMM0 🌷🌹How should one control his mind https://youtu.be/MaFUg8230t0 🔧Yoga Tools 🔧4 selftransformation & Empowerment & Joy of/4 the body & mind https://youtu.be/suXMLcX7_dA ⌚Creating health from within- https://youtu.be/Vae88T30OF4 💙.Sadhguru🌷Berlin https://youtu.be/yPGd6u0byLU https://youtu.be/1n2bBSBZaj4 🚀Sadhguru-Fix ur Inner wellbeing. All of your emotions જ lifes experience & everything u/one experiences in life happens from inside within you https://youtu.be/L8cZ_szgKpk 🌷 https://youtu.be/hfYCqf9V5fk🌹https://... https://www.innerengineering.com/ieo-new 🌷🌞Plz Google/ Youtube 'Ishas Shambavi Mahamudra 🌞Thank you very much for reading Ravi bedia Isha yoga foundation. Shambavi Mahamudra program :) https://youtu.be/cTOqOzpdd-Y https://youtu.be/mWm-CztZqsg https://youtu.be/o4k4gVNb96k http://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/meditat... https://youtu.be/Dl8MUnLfEsk