Judges Sermons

23 videos • 97 views • by The Well Community Church If the book of Judges were a movie, it would certainly require those under 17 to be accompanied by an adult. The real, raw, unadulterated realities of sin and its effects are on full display throughout Judges. Death, war, human sacrifice, betrayal, prostitution, sexual scandals, rape, and the like are on repeat throughout this book. We see the men who God raises up to lead rise on the tide of great victories and get crushed by the waves of sin and defeat. The heroes really aren’t heroes in Judges. God’s people continue to do what they think is right and refuse to submit to God’s word, will, and ways. Judges does not depict Israel’s best days, but some of their darkest days. Israel’s progressive movement into idolatry and becoming like the pagan culture around them should be a wake up call to all Christians. While the nations rage, God remains patient and merciful accomplishing his will through a steady hand of his steadfast love, and faithfulness.