Music for the Evolution of Consciousness 2
190 videos • 23,196 views • by ॐ Collectively Conscious ॐ A collection of songs that we feel can assist with the evolution of consciousness. Includes songs that we feel have higher wisdom in their lyrics, songs that are the artist's message to humanity or a specific group of people, and songs with lyrics that were written to inspire, empower, or uplift. All songs in this playlist have lyrics. If you feel any song does not belong on this list, please let us know and explain why you think it should be removed. If you know of any other songs that you think should be added to this list, please message them to us via our Facebook page or upload them to our website via the "Submit Music" form in the navigation bar. We will review them and then consider adding them to it if they resonate. Thank you. Here is the first part of this playlist: NOTE: This playlist is constantly being updated, upgraded, and reorganized as we discover new music.