12 videos • 182 views • by FullmetalNinja25 WCAW CAWMania II Saturday March 5th, 2022 Match Card: WCAW World Championship Avatar Korra (c) vs. Chun-Li (President Zelda is banned from Ringside!) 8-Woman Tag Team Match Team RWBY vs. Vampire World Order No Holds Barred Tifa Lockhart vs. President Zelda (Tifa's WCAW Career is on the line!) WCAW World Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Ladder Match Space Patrol (c) vs. Lumity vs. Matoi Sisters Esdeath vs. Wonder Woman WCAW vs. WVGCW Still Alive/RPGenie vs. Panty and Stocking/River City Girls WCAW World Television Championship Jolyne Cujoh (c) vs. Battle Royal Winner 8-Woman Battle Royal Winner Gets WCAW World Television Championship Shot Ms. Marvel vs. Beauregard Lionett vs. Poison vs. Darth Rey vs. Michonne Hawthorne vs. Batgirl vs. 2 Other Competitors She-Ra vs. She-Hulk Contract In A Fucking Case Ladder Match 2B vs. Sailor Moon vs. Yasha Nydoorin vs. Rowdy Reiko vs. Supergirl vs. Captain Marvel vs. Jolyne Cujoh vs. Dark Aqua Agents Of Chaos vs. Gravity Frog The Terminatrix vs. Chie Satonaka w/ Videl Satan