The Road to Scientific Dictatorship

16 videos • 319 views • by freebroadcasting This outstanding series of short films was produced by GatekeeperInvasion, building on the excellent work of Brent Jessop at KnowledgeDrivenRevolution. The films document the writings and thought of two of the most influential architects of today’s and, indeed, tomorrow’s global society – British high aristocrats Lord Bertrand Russell and Sir Julian Huxley*. In their day, Lord Russell and Sir Julian were among the essential social and geostrategic planners for what you may call the Anglo-Venetian Establishment, i.e. the collection of aristocratic, mercantile and financial houses who have run the world economy – the world –, for the last couple of centuries or so. And, in this world, it’s not enough to gain power. If you want to hold on to it, you have to plan ahead, and guide society and the world along a path that will be safe for you, one that will ensure and expand your dominion. This oligarchical Establishment knows this, and that’s how they’ve basically acquired all the power in the world, and managed to hold on to it for so long. And that’s why they have astute planners and cunning manipulators such as Russell and Sir Julian on board. The ideas expressed in these authors’ books were instrumental in planning and creating the world you live in today – a world designed to be underdeveloped, managed and deceptive, conflicted and violent. They also lay out the blueprint for the decades, even the centuries, to come. Brent Jessop’s articles are still available here: https://knowledgedrivenrevolution.wor... *also occasionally mentioned, are Sir Charles Galton Darwin, who ran some of the most important eugenics trusts in his day, and Professor Carroll Quigley, who was Bill Clinton’s mentor, Chatham House historian, and also a top social engineer, working in the planning of U.S. society Bertrand Russell - Eugenics - Mass Propaganda - War on the Public - Social Engineering - Culture creation - Manipulation - World government - Oligarchy - Totalitarianism - Socialism - Fascism - Communism - Corporatism - Education as indoctrination - UNESCO - Julian Huxley - World Evolutionary Humanism.