BEST JEWISH SONGS-Ron Eliran. Theodore Bikel, Hedva, Cantor Netanel Baram, YINBH choir, Rabbi David Ami Schwartz: arts gala temple music b Marina 2023

21 videos • 131 views • by cdm17 BEST JEWISH SONGS-Ron Eliran. Theodore Bikel, Hedva, Cantor Netanel Baram, YINBH choir, Rabbi David Weinberg, Ami Schwartz: arts templemusic by Marina Jewish popular songs melodies- Yiddish tribute concert -piano b Marina 2021. Special thanks to Elfie, Save a Heart Foundation. . VIDEOS BY MARINA: Other best top Yiddish, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian songs original renditions: Mayn Shtetele Belz, Steven Spielberg movie The Schindler's List theme by John Williams, Oyfn Pripetchik, Rozhenkes Mit Mandlen, Where can I go?, Vi iz dus geseleh?, Mamele, world's Yom HaShoah international Holocaust remembrance day songs 2021, Passover (Seder Haggadah songs Ma Nishtana, Dayenu, Echad Mi Yodea, Avadim Hayinu, Eliyahu Hanavi ), Judaica High Holidays, Shavuot, Shabbat, Chanukkah (Chanukah, Hanukkah, Channukah ) Hallelujah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Kaddish Yizkor Schlof Main Kind, Holocaust Yom HaShoah day, High Holy Days prayer services, Succah songs, Yom Yerushalayim, Israel Yom Haatzmaut Chai center songs, gifts, flowers, Shalom Sholem Ailechem, Rozhinkes mit Mandelen Raisins and almonds, , prayer music series Performed in Yiddish, English, Russian, French, Hebrew hop, Polish. Also spelled: Mama, Moma, Mamma, Mom, Yiddish (Idish) songs, Special thanks to The Wiesenthal Center, The Museum of Tolerance, from The Shoah Foundation USC, Steven Spielberg ( Schindler's List ), Pat Boone, Rabbi Marvin Hier, The Holocaust Remembrance Day hope organization, Dr. Joel Geiderman, Cedars Sinai, The los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust HMLA, Montage, The City of Beverly Hills, The United States Museum of the Holocaust, The Jewish Federation, The Jewish Journal, Joseph & Guerta Tomaszewski, Peter Willian Elperin, UCLA, USC, Beth Jacob, Child Survivors saved from the Holocaust, HMLA, Temple Emanuel, Synagogue of the Performing Arts, Hillel, Beth Am, Valley Beth Shalom vbs, Wilshire Boulevard temple wbt, University Synagogue, Beth Am, Adat Ari El, Rabbi Norbert Weinberg, Max Webb,Gala Hershey Sendler, Cantor Nati netanel Baram, Young Israel of North Beverly Hills ( YINBH ) Rabbi Pini Dunner, Phil Blazer, JLTV, PBS, world's Jewish museum organizations & cantors, Sigi Ziering Institute services, the American Jewish University The song My Yiddishe Mamme was also performed and recorded in Yiddish and English by Tom Jones, Neil Sedaka on the Chabad Telethon, Charles Aznavour, Itzhak Perlman on violin, Dudu Fisher, Yossele Rosenblatt, Theodore Bikel, Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Neil Diamond, Jacob Samson choir, Ray Charles, John Gary, Shlomo Katz, Greene klezmer wedding band, Mel Rechnitz, Connie Francis, Billie Holiday, The Barry Sisters & Jewish theater, Melissa Manchester, Lee Shira, Sophie Tucher Yehuda shir la symphony orchestra, music by leonard Cohen, Fiddler on the Roof, La Green, Steve Samson, Sam Green Kristallnacht Holocaust Memorial Yom HaShoah Remembrance Day ceremony chai center violins music in Israel, New York of performing arts, Los Angeles, Beverly Hills theatre, biggest film festival. Piano instrumental original from lyrics cover Holocaust Remembrance Day songs - piano music by Marina 2021 This video in a part of the "Immortalizing" project by Marina: This project is featuring world, community and religious leaders, humanitarians, authors, Holocaust survivors, artists, lawyers, Jewish scholars and scientists. It is presenting their legacy and their message to audiences of all ages, schools and to future generations. The project presents their legacy and their messages. Also featured in the project: Pat Boone, Hatikvah, Hava Nagila, , Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Ernie and Regina Goldberger, Rivka Nissel, Lili and Debbie Markowitz, Joseph Alexander, Ron Laemmle, Michael Mark Markowitz, Rabbi Norbert Weinberg, Rabbi Marvin Hier, Instagram folk stories, Marlene and Joe Kreitenberg, Michael Carl yehuda, Al Bogdanovich virtual zoom livestream, Jeff Rothstein, Irwin and Freda Goldstein, Eva Cohen tribute Award winning concert pianist and producer Marina appeared in Super Bowl Halftime Show, the films with John Travolta and Nicolas Cage, produced by Michael Douglas) and on television shows such as The Tonight Show, The Today Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, the amphitheatre, Superbowl halftime show, PBS journal, news broadcasts writers, CBS. NBC, ABC, Fox, PBS, KCET, The Arts channel, Phil Blazer JLTV, She has performed for presidents and royalty, in Olympic games and Grammy fest philharmonic orchestra events. She has appeared with /in front of well-known artists and personalities such as Sting, Jessica Simpson, John Travolta, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Robert DeNiro, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, jacob Josh Groban, Ben Rothstein, Will Smith, Larry King, Bruce Springsteen 2023 O Videos: