I'm Holding Up Fine, Why Do You Ask?

21 videos • 6 views • by Rings Of Mars The third full-length album from Rings of Mars. This album was always meant, from the beginning, to be cathartic for myself. A chance for me to fully express my anger and frustration at the constant existential state of listless existence. In recent years I, like many people, have been struggling with confronting the complete truth that nothing we do and nothing we want matters in the grand scheme of the universe. If there is a God, I've often thought that he must be a cruel, cruel being to make us able to question our existence in such a way. In attempting to reconcile my sense of being untethered from anything resembling a coherent goal that makes me feel fulfilled, this album came into existence. It may not mean anything 100 years from now, but who the fuck cares about that? We'll all be dead in 100 years, so we might as well have fun while we can. Art is a time capsule that holds all its creator's thoughts and emotions for future generations, so this is my own personal time capsule.