Cisco Certification Updates - FEB 2020

29 videos • 22,185 views • by Sikandar Shaik CCIEx3 The following are the most notable of the many changes: All certification tracks and levels are affected The main certification levels remain the same – CCNA, CCNP and CCIE The different tracks are being removed at the CCNA level CCNA specializations will not be offered anymore. The tracks are being consolidated at the CCNP and CCIE level The CCNA certification is not a prerequisite for obtaining the CCNP certification. The CCNP is obtained by taking and passing a Core exam and a Concentration exam. A technology core exam – covers foundational and common concepts A concentration exam – a deeper dive into the technology you may take the exams in any order you choose. Same Core exam is needed to pass for CCNP certification and CCIE certification ( to schedule lab) The recertification period for all certifications will be 3 years. All Cisco exams will include additional topics, such as programming.