Belphegor - Austria - Diabolical Death Black Metal Art

39 videos • 3,295 views • by NeKronos Promotion HELL BIOGRAPHY: "BELPHEGOR - MUSICK SATHAN ART since 1993" BELPHEGOR have risen to icon status when it comes to supreme death / black metal art! Ever since their now legendary debut "The Last Supper" in 1995 mainman Helmuth and his henchmen have continuously worked all their way to the top with technical skill, sophisticated songwriting and highly blasphemous lyrics! After releasing "Walpurgis Rites -- Hexenwahn" in 2009, BELPHEGOR are now back with their fourth masterpiece for Nuclear Blast Records: enter "Blood Magick Necromance", an opus filled to the brim with dark and sinful anthems showing a band clearly at its career peak. The eight new compositions are simply the most brutal, elegant, epic and gripping material we`ve heard from BELPHEGOR so far! The production comes from none other than legendary studio wizard and HYPOCRISY head honcho Peter Tägtgren, who gave the typical BELPHEGOR sound a cutting and ultra-heavy yet crystal clear edge. Frontman Helmuth comments: "This will be the most epic and monumental BELPHEGOR Werk to date!" Mark his words! LINKS: Official site: Myspace: Youtube channel: Facebook profile: Band contact: For info/concert/festival/toorbooking : Eu: us: Latin american: Colombia: