Quarantine Central

29 videos • 83 views • by OneidaJamesMusic I'm creating a bass space conversation. As you watch the videos in this series, I'm narrating in real time my thought process and giving information about the basslines, the bassist who played the original basslines and other the pertinent information. So as you watch and listen you are easily about to understand the creativity, the outlining of chords structures and the foundation of the groove of the compositions... all the things that happen when there is a good solid and creative bassline. I'm also choosing songs you've probably never heard before, and basslines that have a level of complexity, (while the songs are still considered popular genres.) That's probably more for me than for you. Because people can generally understand and even sing simple and popular basslines... but this lends itself the the myth that bass playing is easy.... it comes from one being able to sing a simple one bar or two bar phrase... as an example everyone (within in a certain age group) can sing “Attention” or “Another On Bites the Dust.” These are a great bassline, which are very easily identifiable. Though they sound easy, one would need at least a certain level of study to play those basslines competently. But a bassline such as Teen Town, the average person probably could not comprehend or sing it. Understandably so, because it requires an extremely high level of proficiency to play this bassline. So join in on the conversation... bass awareness for those who knowingly and unknowingly love BASS!!