WCF Tutorial Step by Step

8 videos • 10,581 views • by Swift Learn Learn WCF Tutorial Step by Step.(CRUD). Insert Delete Update Search and Basic. To get all WCF tutorial step by step just click the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCYZp... in this playlist you can learn basic of WCF with insert data in SQL server using WCF in asp.net c# in tutorial 1. Search data in SQL server using WCF in asp.net c# in tutorial 2. Update data in SQL server using WCF in asp.net c# in tutorial 3. Delete data in SQL server using WCF in asp.net c# in tutorial 4. ~~~~~ WCF tutorial step by step operation 1. Create SQL table. 2. Create WCF Service Application. 3. Create method and class in the service for Insert, Update, Delete and Search. 4. Debug WCF Service by pressing F5 key from keyboard. 5. Run the service in browser. 6. Copy the URL link of WCF service. 7. Create web application in asp.net. 8. Add Service References in Solution explorer using the copied URL Link (Past the URL Link and click on Go). 9. Design the web form and call the WCF service. Note: The method of IService.cs should be equal with Service.svc.cs.