Lockdown talks: Series 1
8 videos • 190 views • by Dr Ashok Jansari NeuroTalk This is a series of talks given by Dr Jansari during spring 2020. They were given during the Covid-19 global pandemic and lockdown to educate the general public about the study of the human brain particularly from a cognitive neuropsychological perspective. Series 1 is comprised of the following lockdown talks: 1. The Man Who Mistook His Neuropsychologist For A Popstar: the fascinating world of face recognition from prosopagnosia to super-recognition. 2. Never mind the Neurobollocks! 3. The brains of the brain: why is the prefrontal cortex so important? 4. Confabulation, Capgras & Cotard's: the amazing insights from brain disorders (Part 1) 5. Confabulation, Capgras & Cotard's: The Amazing Insights From Brain Disorders (Part 2) 6. Memory, Forgetting & Dementia: what is human memory and why do we forget? (Part 1) 7. Memory, Forgetting & Dementia: What is human memory and why do we forget? (Part 2) 8. How can we all improve our memory? Insights from a neuropsychologist. Dr Jansari would be very happy to hear from you if you found the videos interesting, if you have questions and if you would like to invite him to give a talk to your school, university or organisation. His email address is: a.jansari@gold.ac.uk