E-Commerce and E-Governance Class 12 | Maharashtra Board New Syllabus
3 videos • 317 views • by Scholarszilla E-Commerce and E-Governance Class 12 | Maharashtra Board New Syllabus What is E-Commerce “E-Commerce can be broadly defined as the process of buying and selling of goods or services using an electronic medium such as Internet.” E-commerce is also referred as a paperless exchange of business information using EDI, E-mail, Electronic fund transfer, etc. What you can learn from this chapter. 1)E-Commerce – concept, advantages, disadvantages, and types. 2)E-Commerce Trade cycle. 3)Various Payment modes. 4)Common forms of E-Commerce. 5)Electronic Data Interchange. 6)E-Governance-concept, advantages, and types. 7)Various security measures. It is a part of IT lecture series in this series we will upload complete syllabus of Class 12 commerce (IT)