12 videos • 32 views • by 1renee_S2 1. 简单的爱情 Simple love 2. 真正的朋友 A true friend 3. 经理对我印象不错 I've made a good impression on the manager 4. 不要太着急赚钱 Don't be anxious to make money 5. 只买对的,不买贵的 Buy the right, not the expensive 6. 一分钱一分货 The higher the price, the better the quality 7. 最好的医生是自己 The best doctor is yourself 8. 生活中不缺少美 Beauty is not rare in life 9. 阳光总在风雨后 The sun will shine again after the storm 10. 幸福的标准 Standards of happiness