Akhilasoukhya | Dr Akhila Joshi| Client Testimonials

10 videos • 488 views • by Dr Akhila Joshi - Akhilasoukhya Client Testimonial | Akhilasoukhya and Dr Akhila Joshi for Weight loss and Lifestyle Management It has always been a pleasure to work and make difference in lives of people...However the joy multiplies Many folds when your clients express their feelings in such a way...Humbling experience Thank you Shivani Sonal Saxena . Stay Healthy and Happy For more interesting Health, Diet , Lifestyle updates, please subscribe to our channel Akhilasoukhya is a Speciality Health Centre for Weight and Lifestyle Dis orders started by Dr Akhila Joshi who has helped more than 1500+ people to learn importance of Good Lifestyle for Health. At Akhilasoukhya , we believe what are we today is result of what lifestyle we follow . Our health reflects our lifestyle and in turn our lifestyle often influence our health. We carefully examine each individual’s current Lifestyle habits , their current health diseases under Medical Supervision. Based on the this valuable information , we individualize programs through Diet and Nutrition , Yoga , Naturopathy , Acupuncture , Acupressure and exercise therapies for achieving short and long term health benefits. For More Interesting updates like Facebook Page And Subscribe our Channel on YouTube Or Visit Official Website ‪#Akhilasoukhya ►website : www.akhilasoukhya.in ►Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/akhilasoukhy... ►YouTube Channel :https://www.youtube.com/channel/akhil...