A L I E N (1979) Content by Space.Trucks
7 videos • 69 views • by Steve Nyland Just the 1979 movie, thank you. Am no expert just an enthusiast, grew up with the movie and it's been part of my life. Therin you will find workplace compliant uploads relating to my interest in ALIEN. Including my modest collection of books, videos, collector's toys, and thoughts about the film itself. My interest is in the planetoid sequence, futuristic space hardware depicted and the human crew that operates it. Particularly Parker & Brett, expect to see a lot of them. I admire the alien forms as they function in the movie but am more interested in the human technologies at play, including those used to stage the film for the cameras. No horror content or gore is shown, purposefully workplace safe 👍🏼 but not Made for Kids and flagged as such in the video descriptions. Enjoy, lots of hard work here, and please do feel welcome to leave comments, subscribe, or re-share the content responsibly. Please do not distribute these or any of my uploads commercially for profit or gain. email space.trucks1138@ gmail .com