MSC Soundscape Educational Program

14 videos • 79 views • by Market Square Concerts Soundscape was initiated by Market Square Concerts in the 2008-2009 concert season. Since its inception, students from the Capital Area School for the Arts, St. Stephens Episcopal School, Sci-Tech High School, the Harrisburg Academy, the Nativity School, Harrisburg High School and many others have attended Soundscape presentations by world-class musicians. Soundscape is now a regular feature of Market Square Concerts, bringing young audiences to chamber music through an organized educational program. Our 2013-14 season included educational outreach events on Friday, November 15, 2013, featuring the Parker Quartet with Jeremy Gill at Cumberland Valley High School; on Friday, January 24, 2014, featuring the Calefax Reed Quintet at Lebanon Valley College; and on Friday, March 28, 2014, featuring pianist Ann Schein in a Piano Master Class at Messiah College, High Foundation Recital Hall. The November 15 and March 28 events were presented in collaboration with the Harrisburg Symphony. Several community outreach events were also held at the Mid-Town Scholar Bookstore. On Sunday, September 8, 2013, Dr. Richard Strawser, composer and blogger, gave an MSC Season Preview. On Saturday, November 16, 2013 & Saturday, March 29, 2014, Peter Sirotin, Violin, Fiona Thompson, Cello & Cary Burkett, Narrator, presented Chamber Music and Story Telling for kids. There were pre-concert talks on Saturday, November 16, 2013, with Jeremy Gill, composer and conductor at Temple Ohev Sholom, and on Tuesday, April 29, 2013, with Dr. Richard Strawser at Market Square Church. In our next season, exciting plans for our “Soundscape” program include two pre-concert talks focusing on anniversaries of the beginning of WW I and the end of WW II with Dr. Richard Strawser and Dr. Truman Bullard. Collaborations with the Harrisburg Symphony, Messiah College, Whitaker Center and Midtown Scholar Bookstore will continue with a series of events. School presentations in Harrisburg and Cumberland Valley School districts will also be part of the next season. MSC will continue to offer free tickets to all k-12 school-age students with $10 tickets available to parents or siblings. Tickets will also continue to be offered to college students for $5. Our Young Artists Performances (YAP) program will continue to offer young aspiring musicians professional performance opportunities at Market Square Concerts this season. Penn National Insurance, McInroy Sheffer People Trust, as well as Mid Penn Bank through the EITC program, have all been generous supporters of Soundscape.