Astrological Age Aquarius Hapi Re Appearance of The Messu - Messiah: Sun Son, by Dr Nteri Nelson P 1

4 videos • 6 views • by Dr Nteri Nelson For all the latest!!! Membership FREE Guest Pass Video is from the: Building The Lighted Temple Wisdom Service with INSPIRATIONAL TEACHINGS by Dr Nteri Nelson, Sundays, 11:00 - 12:15 pm., ET. Register now! In this video, Master Metaphysician, Dr Nteri Nelson engages the viewer in profound pondering of what it means to dimensionally shift into the Age of Aquarius Hapi. She examines overcoming: the Piscean Age; its Religion's traumatic Spiritual impacts on African and Diaspora people of the World; the mental confusion, given its inextricable intertwining in and as a White Supremist paradigm. She encourages you to garner the strength of the lessons learned in order to envision, co-create and move into the New World. She gives detailed examination of knowing the eternal PRESENCE of the Evercoming ONE, The SUN-SON, the Messu/Messiah, giver of sustenance, and how to unstick or de-embed ourselves from Ages of Maafa, where dogma and images portrayed of distortion and 'seeming' death have obscured our vision. She draws major connecting points between Kemetic Sacred Wisdom and daily living in these troubled times on our planet. which are also found in her books: She is a gifted Wordsmith, Metu Neter Symbologist and author of: 1) KaAbBa) Building The Lighted Temple Revealed In The Tree of Life (Digital PDF) (Paperback) 2) MerKaBa:The Great Pyramid Is The Tree Of Life: Kemetic Technology For Remaking Ourselves AS Beings Of Light (Digital PDF) (Paperback) 3) Secrets of Race and Consciousness Afrikan Cosmology of Kemet (Digital PDF) (Paperback) 4) The Golden Sun Egg Uncracked The NU ‘N’ Word Negg ur The Goose God/dess Who Laid The Sun Egg, The Cosmic Egg (Digital PDF) (Paperback) 5) Kemetic Karest mas Celebration & Education (Digital PDF) (Paperback) 6) (Special Offer Digital 2 Book PDF Package) Secrets of Race & Consciousness: Spiritual Meaning of N Word - PLUS - GoldenSunEggUnCracked The Nu’N’ Word 7) On The Way To Finding Your Soulmate Dr. Nteri Nelson is a Metaphysician, Teacher of the African origins of the Ancient wisdom, Licensed Clinician, Researcher and Author. She is co-founder of, The Academy of Kemetic Education & Wellness, Inc. where she teaches an African Centered Educational Model for Psychological, Spiritual, and Character development which is underpinned by the History of Ancient Africa/Kemet and the Diaspora. She has served as Adjunct Professor at the University of Massachusetts in the Africana Studies Department. She is an Independent researcher and was a member of The Black Knostic Lodge & Studies for over a decade under the late Dr. Alfred Ligon, and fellow Lodge member with the late Dr Richard King, (father of Melanin Studies). She is featured in: Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy.