From the Hot Seat - Forgotten Footballers - Can you name them all?
1 videos • 0 views • by The Reflective Coach Podcast by Coach Luca Can you name these forgotten footballers? In a new activity from Jordan Stringer, who introduced this fun game to finalise the episodes of "The Weekly Digest Series", taking place from Season 2, Episode 5, we select a series of footballers who we class as "forgotten footballers". These ballers, may be recognised to you, however over time we hope to kickstart some memories of our viewers, of who, may have completely forgotten all about certain players. We will delve into the history of these players from what we remember, any relevant stories, how these players became known to us and as to why we have selected these players to feature on each week of the podcast series. Can you name them all and compete with either Coach Luca or Coach Jordan, of who will be in the hot seat each week?