Anti-GamerGate propaganda

81 videos • 413 views • by Badass Salmon GamerGate is a movement dedicated to drive women out of gaming. GamerGate is an extremist, reactionary, rightwing, conservative, MRA, KKK, Nazi, NAMBLA, terrorist organization made up of transphobic, misogynistic, homophobic, racist, ableist cishet white males and their sockpuppets. GamerGate wants to kill gaming. GamerGate uses NotYourShield to weaponize minorities and use them as shield to say they aren't bigots. "I'm not a racist, my friend is black!" GamerGate weaponizes charities and fundraisers and uses "ethics in games journalism" as a cover for their harassment. GamerGate is a hate campaign founded on lies that Zoe Quinn had sex for positive reviews. GamerGate opposes diversity and better representation for women and minorities in gaming. GamerGate wants to keep the status quo of gaming as a boys club. If something gets repeated enough, that makes it true. Truth is subjective. There's nothing wrong with bias. Objectivity is a pointless thing to strive for. Listen and believe. Don't verify anything. Just take my word as fact. If you do not agree, shut up. Dissent will not be tolerated. You will be banned, muted and blocked if you do not agree. It isn't censorship unless it's mandated by the government. Free speech is overrated. People need to be responsible for what they say. Unless it's me. My voice should be heeded no matter what, with no consequence to me. Watch, and obey.