TYT Embarrass Themselves For Our Entertainment

34 videos • 238 views • by Badass Salmon RE·GRES·SIVE /rəˈɡresiv/ adjective 1. becoming less advanced; returning to a former or less developed state. "The Young Turks regressive attitude towards Islam deflects legitimate criticism of it in order to virtue-signal how "tolerant" anti-"Islamophobic" they are to their peers, ironically making apologetics for one of the most intolerant and backwards religions in human history and allowing for it's bad ideas to proliferate." RE·GRES·SIVE · LEFT /rəˈɡresiv/ left/ noun 1. a group or persons who ostensibly is progressive, liberal, left-leaning, a member of the democratic party, etc, who use traditionally liberal positions to justify or advocate for ideas that are ultimately regressive. "The regressive left has manufactured another anti-videogame hysteria over perceived sexism, despite the countless studies proving no correlation between real-world violence or real-world sexism and having moved past the anti-videogame hysteria over videogame violence in the 1990's and early 2000's."