Rice Items
3 videos • 1 views • by শখের রান্না [Cooking Hobby] Respected visitors Welcome to my "শখের রান্না [Cooking Hobby]" channel. We are raised to prefer rice along with other foods when we are young. "Mache Bhate Bangali" is a saying that we use here. Because it's a whole grain, overcooking frequently results in it burning somewhat on the pan's bottom, thus that is conceivable. Like other rice, basmati rice tastes excellent to me as an adult. Additionally, I was exposed to a variety of rice meals when I got married to my wife, who resides here. With time, mostly via friends and then cookbooks, I discovered a wide range of rice dishes that were so rich and savory that they could be served as a main course on their own and frequently exceeded their meat equivalents at the dinner table. These are a few rice recipes I've prepared throughout the years; a lot of them are favorites in the family. See the main meal blog post for a rice dish that doubles as a full meal with meat. Posts on soups, salads, rice, meats, desserts, and beverages could be of interest to you. Simply Cooking Delicious Neat Khichuri Today I have come before you with a recipe for simply cooking delicious neat khichuri. Hope you will watch the video on my cooking hobby channel and benefit from it. Everyone can easily make simply cooking delicious neat khichuri at home by watching this video. Today's recipe: ঝরঝরে খিচুড়ি I মুখরোচক খিচুড়ি রান্না I Cooking Delicious Neat Khichuri I শখের রান্না [Cooking Hobby] Beef Biryani Recipe. Beef Biryani Recipe, How to Make Beef Biryani, Bangladeshi Easy Beef Biryani, Perfect Biryani Recipe A mojadar and delicious beef biryani recipe. Beef biryani recipe, how to make beef biryani, easy Bangladeshi beef biryani. Today I came before you with a video on how to make the perfect biryani easily at home. We make hospitality by making this mojadar and delicious food when we go somewhere or when someone goes for a walk. This video shows you how to make it easily at home. Hopefully, everyone can easily make beef biryani at home by watching this video. Today's recipe: বিফ বিরিয়ানি রেসিপি। How to Make Beef Biryani। Bangladeshi Beef Biryani। শখের রান্না [Cooking Hobby] Easy Plain Polao Perfect Recipe. Neat pulao cooking recipe. White polao cooked. Delicious polao in a simple way. Easy Plain Polao. Shahi polao. Home cooked polao. Easy way to cook polao. Hello viewers. Assalamualaikum, hope you all are well. Alhamdulillah we are also well by the grace of Allah. I came among you again with an easy and delicious recipe. With a video on how to make delicious easy neat plain polao, neat polao, white polao, easy way neat delicious polao, plain polao, royal polao, how to cook polao at home in a short time, or how to cook polao at home in a simple way. This video shows you how to make it easily at home. Hopefully, after watching this video, everyone will be able to make delicious pola at home simply and easily. Today's recipe: সহজ ঝরঝরে পোলাও রেসিপি II Easy Polao Perfect Recipe II Plain Polao II শখের রান্না [Cooking Hobby] II পোলাও #শখের_রান্না_[Cooking_Hobby], #সহজ_ঝরঝরে_প্লেইন_পোলাও_পারফেক্ট_রেসিপি, #ঝরঝরে_পোলাও_রান্না_রেসিপি, #সাদা_পোলাও_রান্না, #সহজ_পদ্ধতিতে_ঝরঝরে_সুস্বাদু_পোলাও, #প্লেইন_পোলাও, #শাহী_পোলাও, #ঘরোয়া_পদ্ধতিতে_পোলাও_রান্না, #সহজ_পদ্ধতিতে_পোলাও_রান্না, #Easy_Plain_Polao_Perfect_Recipe, #Neat_pulao_cooking_recipe, #White_polao_cooked, #Delicious_polao_in_a_simple_way, #Plain_polao, #Shahi_polao, #Home_cooked_polao, #Easy_way_to_cook_polao, #বাংগালি_রান্না, #রান্না_রেসিপি, #শখের_রান্না, #রান্না_ঘর, #মজাদার_রান্না, #বাংগালি_রান্নাঘর, #ভালো_খাবার, #Cooking, #Shakhar_Ranna, #Cooking_Hobby, #Little_Hobby, #শখেররান্না[CookingHobby], #বিফ_বিরিয়ানি_রেসিপি, #গরুর_গোস্তের_বিরিয়ানি_রেসিপি, #বিফ_বিরিয়ানি_কীভাবে_বানাবেন, #বাংলাদেশী_সহজ_বিফ_বিরিয়ানি, #পারফেক্ট_বিরিয়ানি_রেসিপি, #শখেররান্না, #Beef_Biryani_Recipe, #How_to_Make_Beef_Biryani, #Bangladeshi_Easy_Beef_Biryani, #Perfect_Biryani_Recipe, #বাংগালিরান্না, #রান্নারেসিপি, #শখেররান্নাঘর, #রান্নাঘর, #ভালোখাবার, #মজাদাররান্না, #বাংগালিরান্নাঘর, #LittleHobby, #Cooking, #ShakharRanna, #CookingHobby, #শখের_রান্না_[cookinghobby], #মুখরোচক_খিচুড়ি_রান্না, #রান্না_রেসিপি_খিচুড়ি, #Simply_Cooking, #Delicious_Neat_Khichuri, #Cooking, #Hobby, #Channel, #recipe, #watch_video, #watchvideo, #Watch_Video, #WatchVideo, #benefit, #watching, #বাংগালি_রান্না, #রান্না_রেসিপি, #শখের_রান্না, #রান্না_ঘর, #ভালো_খাবার, #মজাদার_রান্না, #বাংগালি_রান্নাঘর, #Cooking, #Little_Hobby, #Shakhar_Ranna, #Cooking_Hobby,