Let's Play Pokemon Crystal (NUZLOCKE) [Complete]
36 videos • 2,160 views • by SyuraStream This is my third official Let's Play, and it covers Pokemon Crystal Version from the title screen to the end credits after the Elite Four! A Nuzlocke Run is basically a hard-mode for Pokemon games. If a Pokemon faints, it is dead, and must be deposited into a Dead Box in the PC. You are also only allowed to capture the first Pokemon you encounter in an area, making it so you can't build the team you want without a lot of luck. The interesting thing with a Nuzlocke Run is that it can be customized to make it as hard as the player desires. Some of the additional rules I added to accomplish this were a level cap for each Gym and the Elite Four, a restriction on the purchase and use of healing items, and some other quirky rules that never really came into play. Check it out for yourself! Recorded from July 18 - October 24, 2012. Uploaded from July 20 - October 26. Total game time: 39 hours, 13 minutes. Total recording time: 19 hours, 36 minutes. Total series time: 9 hours, 33 minutes.