The Kikimaystevbi Crew
7 videos • 33 views • by KAYLALUNA Hello, This is a Series Where I Make Videos About the Crew Messing and Pranking Each Other! Includes New Items, Ads, Bad News, Drama/Disasters, Sales & Updates in The Kikimaystevbi Shop😁 Btw! Kikimaystevbi shop does NOT exist irl but it used to be, so any updates or sales videos that I make, it's just for content of the Kikimaystevbi shop & for Kayalmoone. Members : Mayka, Kinada, Stevia, Bianca, & Kina! 🛍️ They are known as the first villagers in Kayalmoone to ever make a shop👍. Kina : Smart, writer, side planner, Narrator Kinada : Toxic, brave, confident, support planner, main star of shop Mayka : Crazy, writer, editor, artist, crafter support, main planner Stevia : Smart, support planner, support editor, artist, main tech support Bianca : Creative, cheeky, support planner, main crafter Enjoy the Kayos!