Prehistoric Animals / Доисторические животные

24 videos • 1,168 views • by Dino Saurus Triceratops are a genus of herbivorous dinosaurs from the family of ceratopsids. The name Triceratops is translated from Latin as "three horns". Perhaps the most recognizable dinosaur is Stegosaurus, with its famous bone platinum on its back and thorns on its tail. Stegosaurs are a genus of herbivorous lizards. The dinosaur "Brontosaurus" is translated from Latin as a thunderous lizard. This name is considered obsolete today. Today, this representative of sauropods is called "apatosaurus", which means literally a deceptive lizard. Diplodocus or "Double Process" is, perhaps, the longest dinosaur of the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous periods. According to the calculations of scientists, herbivorous Diplodocus lived on Earth 150 million years ago. Tyrannosaurus in Greek means "tyrant of the lizard", it was one of the last existing dinosaurs on the planet. T-Rex, as it is also called, was the largest and most powerful of predatory carnivorous dinosaurs. The dinosaur allosaurus is a bright representative of predatory theropods that lived on our planet in the Jurassic period, and this is 155-145 million years ago. Camptosaurus, which in Greek means flexible lizard, lived on our planet at the end of the Jurassic period - 155 - 145 million years ago. In the 90s of the last century in Australia (Victoria), a fossilized vertebra was found. Scientists have dated the discovery of 140 million years. The vertebra found was 42 mm long.