Sunday Afternoon Salsa at Robson Square, August 12 2012

11 videos • 600 views • by salsavancouver August 12 2012. DANCING FUN IN THE SUMMER SUN! Videos from Sunday Afternoon Salsa at Robson Square, an annual series of FREE, outdoor salsa dances held at Robson Square in downtown Vancouver every Sunday afternoon in July and August. The events are organized by Stephen and Jennifer Dancey (of and the Dancey Ballroom & Dance Studio) and run by a team of volunteers from Vancouver's salsa dance community. The Robson Square salsa dances have been running since 2006 and are open to everyone, even if you've never danced a day in your life. Try the free lessons at 3pm, watch the performances at 5pm, or just check out the social dancing throughout the afternoon and see how much fun it is! More info at