Game BGMs
455 videos • 545 views • by Lloyd Dunamis This playlist will contain various game BGMs that are yet to have their BGMs uploaded around YouTube. I'll be providing offline audio downloads for you to enjoy the music offline. If you'd like to request a certain format, ask me and I might be able to provide them. It will take me awhile before I can catch up to providing them for older loops though. (audio/file technical info down below) There will be cases that a BGM has been uploaded by others already but I uploaded my version anyway. Reasons are as follows: 1) Others' versions are low-quality encodes. 2) Others' versions are too short/not looped enough for lengthened listening. (up to consideration) 3) Others' versions have other sound effects incorporated in their track when it is possible to hear the BGM only. 4) Others' versions start/end the track awkwardly. 5) Promotion purposes. 6) I just feel like it. ========== Audio editing is done on Audacity. Loops: 30minutes; letting the last loop finish before fadeout, usually. Last loop fadeout: 2.5s full volume, 7.5s Cosine Fadeout, 1s silence. Start silence: 0.500ms (to accomodate for various media player initial play discrepancies, etc) Bitrate: Will always be Variable/VBR. Actual bitrate will vary on base BGM. Playlist is ordered by order of upload, descending.