Madame Ecosse

6 videos • 598 views • by baronsarwarofgovan The Baron is Back! This video is in Gaelic/Gaidhlig with hard-coded, invision English/A'Bheurla subtitles - interviews with English speakers are not subtitled. With contributions from Alex Salmond, Ian Paisley, Tam Dalyell, Michael Russell, Brian Wilson, Angus Brendan MacNeil, Alasdair Allan and Fergus Ewing. 'Stop the World - Scotland wants to get on!' said Winnie Ewing after winning Hamilton for the SNP in 1967. So how did this Grande Dame of Scottish politics try to stop the world? 'Stad an saoghal, tha Alba ag iarraidh air bord!', sin a ghairm Winnie Ewing 's i air Hamilton a bhuanachadh do Phartaidh Naiseanta na h-Alba ann an 1967. Ach ciamar a dh'fhiach bhean-uasal poileataics na h- Alba ris an t-saoghal a stad? (Recorded from Freesat to DVD, converted & edited to xvid)