Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series

23 videos • 202 views • by HKU Business School The “Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series” was initiated by a group of former HKU students of Professor Edward K Y Chen from the early 1970s. Established through a fund set up in 2007, this Lecture Series represents a tribute to an honoured teacher and a distinguished scholar, and aspires to demonstrate the fine tradition of great respect and appreciation for Teachers and Mentors (”尊師重道”) to future generations. The Lecture Series is held annually at HKU and is presented by the HKU Business School. 陳坤耀傑出學人講座系列是由我們七十年代的畢業生陳坤耀教授發起。 於2007年由獨立的基金成立,陳坤耀傑出學人講座系列與旨在向每一位傑出的老師和傑出的學者致敬,展示尊師重道的優良傳統。 陳坤耀傑出學人講座系列是香港大學的年度盛事,並由港大經管學院代為舉辦。