Rust Programming Tutorial Playlist
53 videos • 2,188 views • by Dr Vipin Classes Rust Programming This playlist is for learning Rust programming language by simple coding Rust Playlist: --------------------------------- 1. Introduction to Rust Programming Language 2. Install Rust on Windows,Linux and MacOS 3. Run or Test First Rust Program 4. Building Rust Program with Cargo 5. Variables in Rust 6. Data Types in Rust 7. Statement vs Expression in Rust 8. Function with Multiple Return Values in Rust 9. Conditional Execution of Code in Rust 10. Could not Compile Conditional Assignment in Rust 11. Loop Expression with Break Return Value in Rust 12. While Loop in Rust 13. For Loop in Rust 14. Exceptional Behavior of Nested Loop in Rust 15. Array and Multi-dimensional Array in Rust 16. Tuple in Rust 17. Rust Program to find out maximum and minimum number from array 18. Shadowing Variable,Shadowing vs Mutability & Scope vs Shadowing in Rust 19. String Literal and String Object Data Type in Rust 20. Move Ownership, Clone Ownership and Copy Data in Rust 21. Enum Types & Constant in Rust 22. Referencing and Borrowing in Rust 23. Call by Value vs Call by Reference in Rust 24. Struct and Tuple Struct in Rust 25. Pass by Reference Struct in Rust 26. impl vs traits in Rust 27. Vector in Rust 28. Pattern Matching with match vs switch in Rust 29. String methods like replace, lines, split, trim & chars in Rust 30. Take User Input in Rust 31. Command Line Argument in Rust 32. HashMap in Rust 33. Enum Methods in Rust 34. Dangling Reference in Rust 35. Generic Struct in Rust | Monomorphization in Rust 36. Generic Impl Methods in Rust 37. Generic Functions in Rust 38. Lifetime Annotation and Multiple Lifetime Annotation in Rust 39. Rust Reading File 40. Rust Creating File 41. Rust Creating Modules or Sub Modules 42. Rust Closures or Lambda Function | Rust Anonymous Functions 43. Rust Box to Store Data in Heap | Smart Pointer 44. Rust Multi-Threading Programming 45. Rust Send Data Between Threads 46. Rust Associated or Static Functions 47. Rust Destructuring like JavaScript 48. Rust Self-Referencing Struct 49. How to Read CSV File in Rust 50. How to read JSON File in Rust 51. How to create first web page in Rust 52. How to create static website usiing HTML and CSS in Rust 53. How to create static website using Bootstrap in Rust