React JS Tutorial Playlist

175 videos • 4,147 views • by Dr Vipin Classes React JS Tutorial for Beginners to Advance ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners React Tutorial for Beginners React Video Lectures React is an open source javascript library for building user interfaces. React is a project created and maintained by Facebook. React has more than a 100 thousand stars on GitHub and a huge community behind it. React JS Videos: ----------------------------------------- 1. Running First React App on VS Code with Useful Extensions 2. Understand React Directory Structure and Running Hello World Web App 3. What is Rendering? and Why we need Rendering in React? 4. JSX & JSX Expression {} 5. Rendering Multiple Element in React 6. Rendering List in React 7. Conditional Rendering with List in React 8. Rendering List with Index Value in React (Each child in a list should have unique "key" prop) 9. Rendering List with Key Value in React 10. Functional Component 11. Class Component 12. Bootstrap in React 13. Dynamic Class Rendering 14. Dynamic Expression Rendering in React 15. Event Handling in React ( Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'state')) 16. Binding Event Handlers in React 17. State and setState 18. Passing Parameter or Argument to Event Handler in React 19. Passing Data to Components using Properties in React 20. Destructuring of state and probs 21. Composing Component in React 22. Raising and Handling Events in React 23. Single Source of Truth or Control in React 24. Controlled Component in React 25. Removing Local State of Component in React 26. Synchronization Amoung Multiple Components in React 27. Pass Event from Grand Component to Child Component is called Bubbling of Event in React 28. Lifting the State Up in React 29. Optimization of Counter Component in React 30. Lifecycle of Class Component in React 31. Testing Mount State of Class Component Lifecycle in React 32. Testing Update State of Class Component Lifecycle in React 33. Testing UnMount State of Class Component Lifecycle in React 34. How to remove double execution of componentDidMount method 35. Optimization of Rendering in Class Component using React Pure Component 36. Optimization of Rendering in Functional Component using React.memo() 37. Random Color Change Component in React 38. React Higher Order Component | Inject Common Functionality into Component using HOC. 39. Props value as a function in React called Render Props 40. Render Children Outside the DOM Hierarchy using React Portals 41. React Error Boundry Components | Efficiently Handle Error using React Error Boundry Components 42. Fetch API in React 43. Axios GET Request in React 44. Form Handling in React 45. Axios POST Request in React 46. React Toastify in React | Notification using Toastify in React 47. Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop 48. React.createContext with contextType and this.context in React 49. How to pass multiple values like object & function with createContext in React 50. How to Pass props to higher order components in React 51. Loop Inside React JSX