8-Bit Operators do Kraftwerk, Devo, Beatles, Depeche Mode!

118 videos • 8,067 views • by 8-Bit Operators All albums available on iTunes and Amazon. http://8bitops.com http://8bitoperators.com Formed in 2005, conceived and compiled by long-time electronic artist and 8-bit composer Jeremy Kolosine (a.k.a. Receptors), the 8-BIT OPERATORS collective features some of the top 8-bit artists from North America, South America, Asia, and Europe, including inventors of the compositional 8-bit tools themselves. This is the original hardware 8-bit Kraftwerk, Devo, Beatles & Depeche Mode cover projects, no relation to the comedic general-midi-files piped thru an emulator as are other '8-bit covers' on Youtube and elsewhere! Check the internationally released 8-Bit Operators albums on Astralwerks/EMI/ReceptorsMusic available on iTunes and Amazon.