RAW FULL (HD) Cops Taser Senior Citizen in His Own Home
4 videos • 72 views • by sowhtttt NOTE: At 10:24, Mr McFarland is once again tased for a 4th unreported time (while handcuffed behind his back, lying down with his handcuffed wrists trapped between his spine & floor; causing him agony). This was not mentioned in the original News story. Peter McFarland endured: Tased 4X, 36min of agony, disrespected & humiliated, all in the sanctity of his own home. He was finally hog tied to a special gurney and roughly handled out of his house into a waiting ambulance where he was taken to under go a "forced" 72hour (3 day) Mental Health Evaluation under code 5150. A person has zero rights when held under 5150, no phone call, no access to an attorney, no rights to due process! For those not familiar with this atrocity: MARIN COUNTY, CA On June 29, 2009 Peter McFarland and his wife Pearl were returning home from a charity fundraiser just before midnight. McFarland injured himself as he stumbled and fell down the long steps to his front door. "Mainly it was to my knee and the front of my leg, my shin," McFarland said. His wife called paramedics, who helped him into the house and treated him. As the paramedics were leaving, two sheriff's deputies arrived. "All of a sudden, they just showed up, they came in here like there was a fire going on, like a gunfight was going on," McFarland said. What happened in the following minutes was captured on a camera mounted on the deputy's Taser. The deputy tells McFarland he is going to take him to the hospital because he may be suicidal. "We want to take you to the hospital for an evaluation, you said if you had a gun, you'd shoot yourself in the head," the deputy can be heard saying. McFarland says it was just hyperbole. He was tired and in pain & never had any suicidal thoughts. In fact, he considers himself lucky to be alive. "I'm a survivor of pancreatic cancer; one of 4 percent in this country," Scott says his client was also arrested, jailed and charged with resisting arrest. A judge later dismissed the charge. Deputies had no search warrant or legal reason to enter McFarland's home and even if they thought he was drunk and suicidal, Scott says the Tasing was excessive force. This not some kind of rare event, law enforcement use EIC action thousands of times each month across the USA. This illegal suspension of Constitutional rights is officially titled: "Emergency Involuntary Commitment" or in CA. it is known as: "5150 W&I- 72 Hour Mental Health Evaluation" http://psychservices.psychiatryonline... http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/wai... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5150_%28... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanterma... Number of times Marin County Sheriff's Department suspended basic rights of people in 2nd Quarter 2009 by employing "Emergency Involuntary Commitment" or "5150 W&I- 72 Hour Mental Health Evaluation": - At least 7 times -This number ONLY reflects Taser involved deployment. More public facts on total cases of 5150 W&I- 72 Hour Mental Health Evaluation, forth coming.- http://www.marinsheriff.org/uploads/d... Marin County CA Sheriff's Department Contact Information: http://www.marinsheriff.org/contact.a... People must realize that Law Enforcement does not need to arrested you or to be involved in any type of crime. LEOs can/will relieve you of civil/Constitutional rights, seize you and place you in a Mental hospital where you are forced to undergo examinations for a least 72 hours (3 days) as they see fit and under their own discretion... and here is the part the many simply will not believe; they can do all this without court action or even contacting a Judge. Fact. This is deplorable and against every last thing this great country was founded upon. Gestapo used precisely this action and eerily defined it as the same thing. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it state that it is nullified or suspended when a citizen is suspect of having mental issues or voicing a statement that can be twisted to fit a preconceived agenda. The Constitution is always active and can never be suspended by individual Law Enforcement agents. Their is zero gray area here. I implore you to research this on your own, becoming outraged that this is going on in your America and hopefully get involved to stop this.