The 70 Weeks of Daniel, the Blueprint for Bible Prophecy
12 videos • 628 views • by Truthdebate The 79 Weeks of Daniel is one of the most complex prophecies in scripture, but its the blueprint of Bible Prophecy. Daniel 9:24-27 If you want to understand Daniel and Revelation, you need to know the Seventy Weeks of Daniel. This prophecy to Daniel is a direct revelation from the throne of God to the prophet Daniel by the angel Gabriel. He is letting Daniel know a period of 490 years is determined on his people (the Jews), who were at the time captives in the Persian Empire (Iran is Persia). The Seventy Weeks of Daniel has several significant aspects to the prophecy. 1.It predicts the exact time the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is to come and be killed, to the day. 536 years before his birth. 2.It reveals after the Messiah is killed the city of Jerusalem and the Temple will be destroyed. 3. It reveals after the Temple and Jerusalem are destroyed will be a period of desolation for the Jews. (Diaspora) 4. It reveals in the end times, there will be a 7-year agreement to allow the Jews to rebuild the 3rd Temple. 5. It reveals the future world leader who allows this will then break his agreement with Israel after 3.5 years. 6. It reveals God will pour out his wrath on the world, leading to the return of the Messiah at the end of the 7-years. The six points above a nutshell of what is contained in the 70 Weeks, but the details and history to allow those points is filled in throughout scripture.